How to Identify Emotional Triggers

Mar 06, 2025

In her book, Atlas of the Heart, Brene Brown discusses a survey that she sent out to 7,000 people. She asked each person to identify what emotions they were currently feeling. On average, participants could only identify 3 emotions: anger, sadness, and happiness. 

What her study implies is quite the problem. Participants weren’t able to notice the difference between many of their emotions. Instead, they could only label them with a few broad terms.

Being able to identify our emotions is an undervalued skill. If we are unable to identify our emotions, we are unable to recognize any of the valuable insight they are providing us.

Emotions are crucial to navigating the complex world around us. They aid us in understanding and responding appropriately to an infinite number of possible circumstances. Whatever situation we may find ourselves in, emotion is right there, ready to help us make some sense out of it. That is what makes every emotional trigger a gift: each trigger tells us something important.

The purpose of emotions is to take in all of our past experiences and apply that information to the present moment. They do their best to guide our perception with the information they have. They aren’t always good at accurately portraying reality, but they are always effective at informing us of how we have been affected by our past experiences.

Emotional Triggers Are Gifts

When something triggers strong emotion in us, this is a loud indicator that something needs to be addressed. There may be something dangerous in our environment that we need to avoid. Or there may be a dear friend that needs comforting. Or there may be a painful mental wound that needs some attention.

Anger often reveals our values, passions, and insecurities.

Anxiety often highlights our uncertainties and vulnerabilities.

Sadness shows us what we love and care about.

Joy may indicate things that we love, things we’re proud of, or maybe even things we are relieved about.

 Being able to identify our emotions allows us to unwrap the emotional triggers to discover what they are revealing to us. The more specific you can be with the emotions you identify, the more clear its message becomes.

How to Identify Triggers

Unfortunately, there is no easy guide to identifying your emotions. Emotions are complex and the way we experience them varies from person to person. The best way to learn how to identify your emotions is to dive in and start practicing.

Emotional triggers refers to whatever caused you to feel an emotion. Identifying the emotion is the first step to identifying the trigger. Once we know the trigger, we can figure out the message our emotions were sending us.

Take a moment right now to explore your emotional state. What are you feeling? Can you get more specific? Why do you think you are feeling that way? What triggered those emotions?

If you are unsure how to describe your feelings, don’t worry. Identifying emotions is a skill that takes time to develop. Be patient with yourself as you build up your ability.

To get started, set a goal to practice once a day. Pick a time and a place and commit to identifying your emotions at that time and in that place. For example, the time and place may be your drive to work or after getting ready for bed. 

It may be helpful to use an emotion wheel as you practice, to aid you in getting specific with your emotions.

How to Use 'Wheel of Emotions' to Express Better Emotions | by Faraaz Dhuka  | Age of Awareness | Medium

Remember, every emotional trigger is a gift. They are messages that provide insight into our souls. Respect your feelings as you unwrap your emotional triggers. And be compassionate with yourself as you learn to identify your emotions.

To begin your journey to a more authentic life, check out our emotional intelligence courses.

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