Overcoming Pornography

is Within Your Reach

Stop 'white-knuckling' your sobriety and find true lasting recovery.

100% private and confidential. 


Take hold of the joy and peace that everyone can find, including you.

Sign up for the Next Program beginning March 26th, 2025

What’s the difference between recovery and sobriety?
Learn the truth that will change the rest of your life.

Sobriety is simply how long can I hold on before having another relapse. Recovery digs out the deeply rooted beliefs so the next time you experience a hard situation you will no longer have a need or desire for the behavior. Experience healing, growth, and self-awareness. Move beyond abstinence and embrace a life of wholeness. 

Counterfeit Emotions with couple having conflict

7 Things You Will Gain

1. Freedom from the Exhausting Daily Struggle -  You don't have to battle every day. You can transcend this and be free from the compulsive drive to look at pornography.

2. No More Need for Hiding - Break away from perfectionism and learn how to strive for excellence, allowing yourself room for growth and self-compassion.

3. Proven Tools to Break the Shame Cycle - Use guilt as your superpower and shake off the chains of shame.

4. Make Peace with Pain - Learn how to find purpose in your pain without letting it turn into the prolonged misery and suffering of pornography use.

5. Radical Self-Acceptance - Tap into your divine power and learn how to accept you for you.

6. Better Relationships - Through exploring love vs. lust, discover how to build genuine connections that support your journey to recovery.

7. Strengthen Yourself - Find strength and safety within yourself. Get rid of the dependence on others for your safety. Become more resilient in the face of challenges.

Most people are not addicted to pornography, but they are addicted to shame.

Schedule a Call to Learn More

Recovery is more than just ‘not viewing.’
Discover what true healing looks like.

Counterfeit Emotions with couple having conflict

I hear all the time, "We need to fix this pornography problem."

You can't fix pornography but you can heal destructive beliefs inside yourself.

How is This Program Different?

This is a totally different approach. We aren't even playing the same game as therapy from the past. We will not focus on filters and band-aid techniques to lengthen sobriety. We focus on the deep work of recovery. Instead of working on getting rid of the behavior we will eliminate the need for the behavior. This will be some of the most disciplined and healing weeks of your life. We will dig deep each week as we explore the Counterfeit Emotions that have been keeping you stuck and transition to a life of authenticity and wholeness.

Here are the topics for the 8-week program.

  • Recovery vs. Sobriety
  • Love vs. Lust
  • Excellence vs. Perfectionism
  • Guilt vs. Shame
  • Pain vs. Misery
  • Joy vs. Pleasure
  • Kind vs. Nice

We are going to explore the important differences between these authentic vs. counterfeit emotions.
Click each box below for a short introductory description.

"As we opened up to vulnerability and shared experiences, I felt so encouraged that change is possible."

Previous Cohort Member

Pornography Recovery Program

Get Rid of the Need to be Sober

Recovery Program Begins on March 26th, 2025 - (Limited Spots Available)


  • Consistent Growth: Complete the program with a cohort over 8-weeks.
  • Deep Insights: Vulnerability and authenticity will lead to greater understanding and healing.
  • Practical Applications: All of the practices will be applicable and helpful to your recovery.


  • True Recovery: Step past sobriety into life-long recovery.
  • Greater Emotional Intelligence: Open your heart to the authentic and powerful soul within you.
  • Genuine Relationships: Find out how to further connections and connect heart-to-heart.

What's Included:

  • Weekly Meetings: Each week, we will dig deep as a brotherhood into the healing methods that produce lasting change. This will include weekly lessons, vulnerability, as well as guest experts - Men who have been down the road and found healing themselves and have helped others find that same peace and freedom.
  • Workbook: A guided workbook that contains all of the weekly and daily exercises and aids. This will be where the work happens.
  • Mobile app: Easy access to all the tools for the program
  • Daily Lessons: Structured content to guide you along the path to recovery.
  • Interactive Exercises: Tools for practicing healthy emotional responses in daily life.
  • Accountability: One of the most important aspects of change is daily discipline and accountability. We have a system that makes sure you are on track until the end of the eight weeks.
  • Brotherhood: You are not alone in your struggle. Meet weekly with other humble men who are ready to make the change and find peace.
  • Individual Coaching: Each member of the cohort will receive an individual coaching session throughout the 8-week program. Additional sessions can also be scheduled.
  • Certificate of Completion: Acknowledge your commitment to lasting recovery.

**This program is completely private and confidential. No information will be shared outside of the cohort.

Are you ready to make the commitment and find true recovery? Then sign-up now.


How many times have you said,

"This is the last time."

Never have to use these words again.