Counterfeit Emotions Men's Mastermind



Yes, I'm Ready


Get Ready. This is going to take a genuine desire to change.




Layout of the course

What to expect:

- One (two hour) weekly meet-up each Wednesday for the five weeks. Time for each meet-up will be 6 PM MST.

- Daily Modules to create habits of success and authenticity (Monday - Friday). Estimated time: 30 minutes to 1 hour each day.

The Mastermind begins on May 23, 2024.

What to expect:

  • Week 1: Nice vs. Kind
    • Do you placate to others and sacrifice all of your needs for other people's needs? Learn how to be kind to yourself first, and then offer that kindness to others. 
  • Week 2: Shame vs. Guilt
    • Are you feeling stuck? Do you feel like no matter how hard you try, you are not making progress in your life? Learn ways to abolish imposter syndrome in your life. 
  • Week 3: Control vs. Power
    • True Power is found within a man's character and abilities. We cannot control what is outside of us. Learn how to use your divine power for good. 
  • Week 4: Lust vs. Love
    • Do you want to get lust out of your life? Learn how to break out of the destructive lust cycle and discover genuine love.
  • Week 5: Misery vs. Pain
    • It's time to transform your relationship with pain. Turn pain from the villain in your life into the most growth you've ever experienced. 

This journey will help you become a better man, husband, father, and businessman.

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Week #1 - Nice vs. Kind

Are you the nice guy? It's time to break out of being Nice and start being Kind. Learn how to connect genuinely with others.

Week #2 - Lust vs. Love

Lust is a destructive emotions that emerges from objectification; whereas love is a beautiful emotion founded on human connection.

Week #3 - Shame vs. Guilt

One has a high frequency. The other is one of the lowest-frequency emotions we can experience. Tap into the beauty of guilt. 

Week #4 - Misery vs. Pain

Most humans don't understand the true and beneficial nature of Pain. Nor do we know the toxic and destructive nature of Misery. 

Week #5 - Control vs. Power

Are you tapping into your internal power or trying (and failing) to control everything (and everyone) outside you?

Master the Masculine Mind

Begin your journey towards authenticity by tapping into the beauty of authentic emotions. Learn to recognize and handle the counterfeits.

Learn the 6 Stages of Masculinity

Week 1: Beloved Son (KIND vs. NICE)
(boyhood) — A young boy needs to know that his father delights in him.

Week 2: Cowboy stage (GUILT vs. SHAME)
(begins at adolescence) — A time of adventure, hard work, and taking risks

Week 3: Warrior stage (POWER vs. CONTROL)
(around age 19, early 20s) — Young men need a mission, a cause, something worth fighting for. This stage is best entered before the Lover stage.

Week 4: Lover stage (LOVE vs. LUST)
(20s to 30s) — The awakening of the heart. This could manifest as a love of poetry, nature, music…and eventually romance.

Week 5: King stage (PAIN vs. MISERY)
(40s to 60s) — At this stage, the character of the man and his wholeheartedness has been shaped enough to be entrusted with power, money, and influence. This is a beautiful, demanding stage that requires wisdom and selflessness.

(Bonus - this stage will be discussed) Sage stage (ABUNDANCE vs. ACCUMULATION)
(60ish and beyond) — The silver-haired sage steps aside to let younger men carry the load, but he’s sought after for his wisdom and counsel.

Men's Path to Authenticity, Connection, Strength, and Healing

With guidance and group support, you've found a safe place to dig deep and nurture your inner self.


"Almost immediately I started to recognize things and behaviors that were the opposite of what I had intended. Being taught to be nice my whole life and not realizing that it was damaging was eye-opening."

Rob A.

"The master class quite literally changed my life. I was shocked in the beginning at how much of the content related to me as an individual."

Zack M.


Men's Path to Authenticity, Connection, Strength, and Healing

Counterfeit Emotions Men's Mastermind


Full Course Access


Do not sign up for this unless you're ready to commit to your higher self, commit to transformation, and commit to authenticity.

  • Access to the full 5 - week Men's Mastermind
  • Live Training from Curtis Morley
  • One weekly group meet-up to share experiences and assess progress
  • Understand the difference between counterfeit and authentic emotions
  • Take charge of your emotions and become an advocate for YOU
  • Membership in a community of like-minded men

If you're ready for a full transformation click Join Now.
If the time is not right for you to join the 5-week mastermind and you still want to explore these topics, click here.